woman sitting on couch speaking with therapist

While most people are aware of anorexia and bulimia, there are several other eating disorders that can affect a person’s eating habits and attitudes toward food and weight.

We provide personalized treatment plans for other eating disorders, giving you the tools you need to begin your recovery.

Other Eating Disorders We Treat

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

ARFID is similar to anorexia but without fears related to weight or body shape. It causes disinterest and avoidance of various foods, leading to weight loss or deficiencies. Fear of choking or traumatic events can worsen food fears. ARFID has often been referred to as “picky eating” however a person’s food variety does not improve with time.

Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED)

OSFED is a life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a preoccupation with weight loss and a strong desire to control food intake. People with OSFED may follow restrictive diets, skip meals, refuse to eat certain foods or feel uncomfortable about eating around others.

Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia causes people to focus on flaws in their appearance. These flaws are so minor that other people may not even notice them. To someone with BD, however, the perceived flaws are highly distressing, resulting in an intense focus on appearance.


Orthorexia causes someone to become overly fixated on healthy eating. People with this eating disorder create restrictive rules around food and then follow them obsessively, which may cause them to lose weight, miss out on important nutrients or develop food-related anxiety.


Diabulimia is the combination of an eating disorder with Type 1 diabetes. It’s a dangerous combination because people with T1D need to eat regularly to keep their blood glucose under control. Some people even avoid taking insulin, putting them at risk for serious complications.

Laxative Abuse

Laxative abuse is characterized by the use of laxatives to aid in purging. Over time, misuse of laxatives can interfere with normal bowel function, leading to serious problems maintaining normal electrolyte levels. Laxative abuse may even lead to heart or kidney damage.

Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

If you’re concerned about your symptoms, click below to take our eating disorders quiz.

Start Your Recovery

Virtue Recovery Eating Disorders has facilities in Nevada, but we help people all over the United States get the help they need to recover from a variety of eating disorders. Each location is staffed by experienced, compassionate professionals who know how important it is to provide personalized treatment. Our programs focus on strengthening the mind-body connection, preparing you to confront past traumas and begin the healing process.

To learn more about our comprehensive eating disorder treatment options, call (866) 461-3339 to speak with an admissions representative.

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